9 Free Weight Exercises for Faster Weight Loss After 50

By himanshu
7 Min Read
9 Free Weight Exercises for Faster Weight Loss After 50

It is extremely essential to maintain a healthy body weight in your 50s and beyond. Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even cancer. In addition, being overweight makes it more difficult to return to a healthy weight because it impedes your physical activity. Therefore, if you want to live a long, healthy, and joyful existence, you must lose weight and become lean. Here are nine of the most effective free-weight exercises for quicker weight loss after age 50.

Using “free weight” exercises will accelerate your weight loss voyage. Examples include dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, sandbags, medicine balls, weight plates, and so forth. The reason these are so effective for weight loss is because you must exercise complete control over your weight. This requires more and greater effort from the muscles than if a machine were stabilizing you or the weight.

Are you prepared to utilize these tools? Read on for the nine greatest free weight exercises for weight loss after age 50, regardless of your age or gym experience. And when you’re done, be sure to check out People Who Lost 10 Pounds in a Month Reveal Their 4 Best Exercise Habits.

The Goblet Squat

Whether you are 15 or 50, the squat is an effective exercise. As your entire body, including your core and upper body, works to elevate and stabilize the weight, you expend a great deal of calories. You’ll enhance both your strength and endurance!

Grab one dumbbell’s end with both hands and hold it by your torso with your forearms underneath. Maintain a shoulder-width stance with slightly spread heels. Start the movement by assuming a seated position with your ankles splayed apart. Descend below parallel while maintaining a neutral lower back. At the bottom, press through your ankles and maintain knee separation.

Plate Squatting

If you are a beginner or returning from a lengthy hiatus, a normal squat may be challenging. With this variation, you have a counterweight to help you achieve proper positions and learn how to squat properly.

Hold a five- to ten-pound weight plate in front of your torso with both palms. Maintain a shoulder-width stance with slightly spread heels. Start the movement by assuming a seated position with your ankles splayed apart. As you descend, extend the plate in front of you in a straight line. Descend below parallel while maintaining a neutral lower back. At the bottom, push through your heels and maintain knee separation.

Step-up Exercises

This is one of the most straightforward methods to strengthen your quadriceps and glutes. Even better, it’s absolutely applicable to daily life, such as when climbing stairs or hills.

Position one foot on a box or platform while holding dumbbells in each hand. Pull your entire body weight onto that foot and propel yourself upward by pressing through the heel. Avoid propelling yourself forward with your bottom limb.

Separate Squats

For greater weight loss, increase the difficulty and complexity of your workouts. The split squat helps you do that because it compels you to target each leg at once, so you’re exercising for twice as long and receiving more impact on your core and stabilizing muscles.

One foot should be approximately three feet in front of the other, so that the legs form two 90-degree angles at the base. Hold a free weight in each hand. Straighten your body and propel with the front heel. Do not allow your knee to travel past your toe.

Triangular Rows

The row is an essential back-strengthening exercise that helps improve your physique and posture. Your shoulders will appreciate it. This is an excellent exercise for novices due to the use of a bench for added stability.

Place your right hand and right knee on the bench, bringing your torso parallel to the ground, while facing parallel to the bench. Grab a dumbbell with your left hand, tense your shoulder blades, and perform a row.

Throwing Medicine Balls

As individuals age, their fast-twitch muscles lose vitality. To prevent this, train these muscles with explosive, rapid movements that are secure for the muscles, joints, and bones. Medicine pellets are ideal for this purpose because they can be thrown and slammed and can withstand punishment.

Grab a large medicine ball and, while in an athletic stance, slam it as forcefully as possible into the earth while bringing it above your head. Maintain a tight core throughout. Several times.


Many individuals over the age of 50 have persistent shoulder or back issues, making it difficult to lift a weight overhead. Instead, use the “scaption,” which targets similar muscles without placing your joints in strenuous positions.

Holding two dumbbells at your sides. Maintain an erect stance by squeezing your shoulder blades together and contracting your buttocks. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder height, to your sides, and slightly in front of you (about 30 degrees in front of you). Several times.

Barbell Hip Extensions

If you desire a lithe, strong, and fit physique, you must strengthen your posterior, specifically your glutes and hamstrings. Hip thrusts are a safer alternative to deadlifts, which can place strain on your lower back if you don’t use proper technique.

With your shoulders resting on a bench and a barbell resting on your hips, squat down and extend your hips to their maximum extent. At the peak, press through your heels and squeeze your buttocks. For your protection, position the barbell on a substantial pad.

Farmer’s Carries

Carry exercises are an extremely efficient method to incorporate cardiovascular and strength training with muscular endurance. In daily life, you will frequently have to lift and transport heavy items, such as provisions and grandchildren.

Carry a hefty dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand while walking with your torso lifted and shoulder blades contracted. Then, swap palms and continue.

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