YouTube star Hank Green shares cancer diagnosis

YouTube star Hank Green shares cancer diagnosis

Science communicator, author, and YouTuber Hank Green revealed he had Hodgkin's lymphoma in a video.

43-year-old explained his diagnosis on YouTube. "When you are in the American health care system, you do not expect things to move quick," he remarked, recalling testing. It is unsettling when it becomes efficient.

The tests promptly showed malignancy, so he was correct to be alarmed. Green remained optimistic, saying that his cancer is curable and likely found early.

"This is the best time in human history to get lymphoma," he said in a "very Hank Green thought."

Green creates constantly. Since 2007, he is hosted various podcasts and a TikTok account on YouTube.

 He does not sure what this illness will imply for these endeavors, but he believes his audience will accept pauses. 

He pointed readers to his newsletter, which he can manage throughout treatment.

Green ends the video with two requests. First, to avoid medical advice. Second, to recommend "not heavy at all, like no emotion... really dumb things that could not make anyone cry" movies, TV, and games.

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