7 Best Healthy Snacks To Melt Hanging Belly Fat

7 Best Healthy Snacks To Melt Hanging Belly Fat

1. Hummus with Cut-Up Vegetable Sticks

Nutrients, fiber, and protein make veggies and hummus a great, healthful snack. Vegetables are an easy approach to lose belly fat. "Hummus is high in plant protein, while vegetables are high-volume (i.e. filling!) and low-calorie, a winning combo for a satisfying snack," Mitri says.

2. Homemade Trail Mix with Dried Fruit

Make your own "fat-blasting" trail mix at home to avoid processed sugars in store-bought mixtures. You'll know what's in it. To cut calories and sugar, Mitri suggests using dried fruit instead of M&Ms or chocolate.

3. Non-Fat Greek Yogurt with Berries

Greek yogurt provides protein and gut-healthy microorganisms. This creamy snack has many other health benefits. It has many nutrients, curbs cravings, aids weight loss, and enhances metabolism, according to Medical News Today. Mitri adds, "Adding berries on top also gives you an extra boost of fiber, which can promote healthy fat loss."

4. Apple Slices with Nut Butter

Apple nachos replace high-calorie nachos! To lose abdominal fat, Mitri suggests apple nachos. Slice apples and drizzle nut butter. Protein and good fats are in this snack.

5. Cottage Cheese on Rice Cakes

Cottage cheese is low-fat, high-protein, and low-calorie. It's a great weight-loss snack. "Add it on top of low-cal, whole-grain rice cakes and include any toppings of your choice, such as diced pineapple or sun-dried tomatoes," Mitri says.

6. Avocado Toast with Hard-Boiled Eggs

Eggs are nutritious, but did you know they might help you lose weight? An egg diet resulted in 61% lower BMI, 65% more weight loss, 34% lower waist circumference, and 16% lower body fat percentage than a bagel diet, according to a study in the International Journal of Obesity.

7. Turkey And Cheese Roll-ups

Turkey and cheese roll-ups are easy to make and can help you lose weight, according to Mitri. Add cucumber slices between the turkey and cheese to increase volume and "crunch factor" without calories.

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