5 Quick & Effective Ways To Lose Belly Fat & Build Lean Muscle

5 Quick & Effective Ways To Lose Belly Fat & Build Lean Muscle

1. Eat a high-protein diet.

You've definitely heard about the fantastic qualities of protein, but did you realize that it may also boost your weight reduction efforts? Protein isn't only for adding muscle to your frame. The Mayo Clinic suggests eating high-protein foods and drinking protein shakes to maintain lean muscle mass, reduce body fat, feel full, and lose weight.

2. Incorporate weight lifting into your routine.

There's a frequent misperception out there that practicing with free weights can make you seem excessively muscular or "bulky." But in fact, strength training—aka lifting weights—can help you slim down and achieve an impressive muscle tone. That's why resistance training is another crucial ingredient to include to your program if you want to reduce weight.

3. Perform cardio a minimum of five days a week.

Lifting weights and doing aerobic exercise are healthy ways to lose belly fat and weight. A strong regimen of cardio is an exceptional approach to increase your general body composition. According to Dr. Bohl, "Cardio exercise is good for heart health and blood flow, but it's also a fantastic calorie burner."

4. Keep the stress at bay, and sleep well.

This step can be a tough one, as Dr. Bohl tells us, "Having high stress and not getting enough sleep are both associated with weight gain. As part of a strategy to modify your body, improving both of these things is one of the most significant things you can do."

5. Maintain an overall healthy diet.

This tip sounds so simple, yet research that spans decades reveals that a whopping 90% of Americans follow poor eating habits. Only 10% and 12% eat enough fruits and vegetables. Establishing proper eating habits is vital if you ever want to reduce weight and belly fat in a healthy manner.

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