This Bottled Beverage Is Worst For Weight Loss.

This Bottled Beverage Is Worst For Weight Loss.

Coffee is a common way to get through the day. If you're like many individuals, you may frequent the coffee shop to enjoy your favorite specialty drink like these delightful new Starbucks selections, but when that's not possible, processed, bottled coffee is an option. However, doctors warn that drinking these beverages may hinder weight loss and even promote weight gain.

How sugary coffee drinks add weight If you like a caffeine boost with sweetness but don't want to make your own latte, put Starbucks and Dunkin's brands in your fridge. However, scientists caution that consuming these processed beverages frequently might harm your health and cause weight gain.

"Pre-made and processed coffee drinks are convenient alternatives to standing in line for a traditional sugar-laden coffee," Richards says. "Unfortunately, like many special order coffee drinks, they contain empty calories, fat, and added sugar." You know that eating all of that frequently can hinder your weight loss goals. (Same for adding dangerous substances to coffee at home).

"Processed coffee drinks have emerged in recent years as a quick and easy way to get your caffeine fix, yet, many of these drinks can keep you from losing weight and may actually be causing you to pack on the pounds," Schlottmann warns. 

"High sugar content is going to be the most concerning ingredient in these processed coffee drinks." It's well known that too much sugar—especially in the morning—can lead to health problems. Schlottmann says morning blood sugar spikes "cause an insulin release and put your body into fat-storage-promoting mode." Yikes!

Cinnamon can sweeten your coffee without adding fat. This reduces refined sugar and may boost metabolism. Score!

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